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<root>­/­mirrors­/­amigascne­/­Scrollers­/­T-Groupstext­/­The Flame Arrows/TFA-IFFConverterV2.txt

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#IFF-Converter V2.0#
 Released Jul. 1991 
Press HELP for inst.
enjoy this prog more
* Allocated GFX-buffer: $00000 *
* ERROR -Can't load .fastdir ! *
* ERROR -Can't read directory! *
* ERROR -Unable to open file ! *
* NO readable disk in drive(s) *
* ERROR -Unable to save file ! *
* ERROR -Check up on Diskspace *
* ERROR -Please frame out first*
* NOTE: Only saving 2 bitplanes*
* NOTE: Only saving 4 bitplanes*
* ERROR -Not Enough memory !!! *
* OK, Loading fastdir......... *
* OK, Reading directory....... *
* OK, Loading IFF-ILBM file... *
* OK, Loading RAW-NORM file... *
* OK, Loading RAW-BLIT file... *
* OK, File is correctly saved! *
* OK, Creating new file....... *
* OK, Overwriting old file.... *
* OK, Saving your frame....... *
* OK, Saving 4-colored sprite. *
* OK, Saving 16-colored sprite.*
Bitplane: $0000   Total: $00000 
File: $00000    Disk full: 000% 
Nothing to click out here, JERK!


                 -=>             WELCOME TO             <=-
                ---=>        IFF-CONVERTER V2.0        <=---
               -----=>  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  <=-----
                ---=>  by METALLION /KEFRENS Nov.1989  <=---
                 -=> additional coding PRICE / TFA 1991 <=-


             * Press arrows up/down to read all instructions.
             * Press left mousebutton to return to converter.


WHY the TFA/KEFRENS IFF-Converter V2.0 wipes out other converters :
             # Directory reading to window included.
             # Use of .fastdir (compatible with CLI-mate.)
             # Special converting + outlines for blitter use.
             # Converts much bigger files. (see space at startup!)
             # Frames boxes, bigger than 320x256 pixels.
             # Saves copper-colormap as source-code.
             # Able to load Dpaint-files with stencil.
 !!!!!!!!!!! # Compatible with A590 / A590+ HARDDISKS 
               (No more key reading problems !!!)


 - When pressing the LOAD-button, the program will test,
     if the choosen file is a IFF-ILBM or a RAW-file.
 - When IFF-file, the file will load normally.
 - When RAW-file, your options will be used. (width, height, depth, cmap)


 - The file will be saved with your options. (width, height, depth, cmap)
 NB: When saving a IFF-file, it WON'T be crunched.
     To crunch it, you'll have to load it into DPaint (or other 
     corresponding drawing-utilities), and re-save the file.


 - Frame out a area as usual. (but BEFORE pressing save!)
   The framed area will be marked with lines, and the
   new width/height will be written in the windows.
 - Now just press the SAVE-button and the framed area will be saved.
 - To frame bigger areas than the shown window, just press 
   arrows up/down/left/right, to move the picture around.
 - To CANCEL a framing, press right button, and the old size 
   will be re-used.
 - A framing can be done in ALL directions
   (start-corner don't have to be the upper/left corner).
 - Your frame will always be saved with a width of 16,32,48... pixels,
   but all necessary masking and scrolling will ofcourse be done.


 - IFF-ILBM : load/save a iff-file. Will always be saved un-crunched.
 - RAW-NORM : load/save a normal raw-file.
              (1.bpl, 2.bpl, 3.bpl...)
 - RAW-BLIT : load/save a raw-file for blitter use. (modulo/serie-bpl)
              (1.line/1.bpl, 1.line/2.bpl, 1.line/3.bpl....
               2.line/1.bpl, 2.line/2.bpl, 2.line/3.bpl....
               3.line/1.bpl, 2.line/2.bpl... and so on....)
 - OUTLINE  : load/save a outline of gfx. Will always be saved as raw-blit.
 - SPRITE 4 : save 4-colored sprite(s) for assembler-use.
              (dc.w $1244,$92f3.......................)
 - SPRITE16 : as 4-colored, except for using 16 colors.
 - COPPER   : save a source of the colormap to load directly to a copper.
              (dc.w $0180,$0000 ,$0182,$0fff ....)

   NB : When saving sprites no longwords will be added,
        for coordinates/spriteend, but only the sprite-data.

 - ARROWS: move picture up/down/left/right. (IF bigger than 320x190.)
 - HELP  : at anytime you can get this information side.
 - TAB   : change between full & dottet frame-lines. (try it!)
 - SHIFT : when framing, you can lock the pointer in either X or Y-direction
           (exactly like in DPaint.)

Due to the long time before a update of KEFRENS I decided to update
it myself. SORRY METALLION but I think this is a great programm
and it is a shame to let a big harddisk problem fuck this up !!!
Recoded the interrupt and updated some GFX. Hope u like it !?!?!


                        WILL BE RECIEVED GRATEFULLY.

                 Thanx for using this piece of utility.....

           -=#  METALLION of KEFRENS  / PRICE of T.F.A.  #=-

 Contact T.F.A. at : P.O. BOX 2249
                     1200 CE HILVERSUM
           or call : TOTAL CONFUSION